Board of Trustee Message

Joseph Marotta, Ph.D

The Spartan Health Sciences University, School of Medicine is managed and monitored by a Board of Governors that is made up of two distinctly different groups of professionals; both groups are dedicated to ensuring that all Spartan students receive the highest quality education. The Board of Trustees is an oversight board responsible for selecting all key academic and fiscal management personnel at Spartan University and has the overall responsibility for the school’s quality education and accreditation. The Board of Trustees is made up of professionals who volunteer their time for the sole purpose of advising Spartan University management to ensure that the school is meeting the highest academic standards while maintaining a healthy learning environment that responds to the changing needs of the students.The Board of Trustee members have no monetary interest in the school what-so-ever and exist solely as a quality control Board for academics and student welfare by advising management and the President.