Admission Package Information

Welcome to Spartan Health Sciences University

Welcome to the beginning of your medical career. As a Spartan student you have been chosen as a select few to pursue your goals of becoming a medical doctor. As a new student and resident in St. Lucia we feel that you should be informed about the school and the island. We hope that you arrive well prepared and focus on your studies while enjoying the beauty of living on a tropical island.

What to do after receiving the Offer of Admission

First, obtain your passport. You need to give the passport agency at least three to four weeks for processing and mailing. Then, book your flight. You should arrive few days in advance. Once you have a confirmed flight schedule, call the St. Lucia office at (758) 454-6128 or from the U.S. and Canada you may use the numbers with area code (718) such as 718 841-7660 or (718) 880-7501 and give your flight itinerary.

Flight Itinerary

Book your final destination to the Hewanorra Airport in Vieux Fort. The most common airlines that fly to Hewanorra Airport are: Air Canada, British Airways, Virgin Atlantic and US Airways. Transportation from the Airport to the Medical School or hotel is free.
If you have to fly into George F L Charles airport, it is about one hour and fifteen minutes away from the campus. You will have to pay for the trip from Castries to Vieux Fort.

Cost of Living in St. Lucia

The following are typical expenses incurred per trimester by students on the island of St. Lucia on the average, depending on your life style. Roommates may reduce expenses.

Student Fees Amount in Dollers (USD)
Tuition US $6,250.00
Spartan Student Association (SSA) Fee
(Dues payable upon registration every trimester)
US $40.00
American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
(Dues payable upon registration every trimester)
US $15.00
Spartan Alumni Association (SAA)
(Dues payable upon registration one time fee)
US $40.00
Welcome (White Coat) ceremony, End of Basic
Sciences Ceremony, and other students events and services
(fees payable upon registration one time fee)
US $400.00
Books & Supplies US $500.00
Living Expenses US $5,000.00
Incidentals US $500.00
Total $11,445.00 (USD)

● It is hoped the above will serve as a guideline to your living expectations.

Uses of SSA Dues

To finance students activities such as:
● Welcome BBQ party for new students
● Island tour
● Taste of Spartan (a major dinner and entertainment event on campus)
● Taste of Spartan (a major dinner and entertainment event on campus)
● Spartan Games
● Financing of SSA snack store

Uses of AMSA Dues

To run students extra curricular activities such as:
● Health fairs, where students are taught to take blood pressure, screen for diabetes mellitus, how to conduct eye examinations etc.
● Fundraising activities to help the needy in the local communities.
● Mentorship programs for local primary and secondary school students.
● All new students will be trained in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). This training will be conducted by a local CPR trainer from St. Judes hospital. The fee for the training is $40.00 EC or $15.00 US.
● A certificate will be issued to each student at the end of the training program.


All incoming students who arrive in St. Lucia during the day time are driven around by Mr. Maxwell along with a housing representative from the school to see the approved apartments that are available for rent. The students are also given information about the cost of rent, utility bills and also terms and conditions for the available apartments.

Students who arrive late in the evening are taken to Kimatri hotel or to Niles Guest House which is within walking distance from the school. The following morning the students are picked up from the hotel and driven by Mr. Maxwell to get an apartment.

Students will be permitted to stay in the apartment of their choice for a period of one week to enable them make a decision whether to sign a rent contract and continue living in that apartment. The fee for the one week’s rent will be the corresponding 30% of the monthly rent fee for that apartment. There will be no refund of the monthly rent once a contract is signed.

Student should also note that at the beginning of the contract they would be required to pay the monthly rent fee plus a security deposit, which is of the same amount.

This security deposit will be returned to the student upon termination of the contract if there is no breach of the contract on the part of the student. Also verify that your apartment has a water tank and burglar bars. Location is also a key element. Any apartment on St. Jude’s Highway, Cedar Heights or Hewanorra Orchard will be convenient.

Finally, students are required to notify their landlord of their intention to end the contract at least one month in advance and make sure all furniture or items belonging to the apartment are in place. Note that cost of damages to items in the apartment will be deducted from the deposit.

Apartment Rental Rate (depending on the conditions of the apartment)

1. bedroom apartment : 280 – 300 USD
2. bedroom apartment : 350 – 500 USD
3. bedroom apartment : 550 – 600 USD

Conditions Of Apartments

The school requires that all apartments rented by our students have burglar bars on all windows and doors, a water tank, and a telephone (students may have to install their own telephone line from LIME if there is no connection in place). Many of the apartments have other conditions such as cable television, air conditions, microwave ovens etc.


The school provides transportation (bus) for all students from their homes to school and back, free of charge. However, most students prefer to have their own transportation and therefore rent or buy cars. Please consult with the Director of Student Affairs for advice.

Driving is on the left side of the road in St. Lucia. Students are required to get a drivers permit with their driver’s licenses at the Hewanorra International Airport in Vieux Fort before driving any vehicle on the island. Students who buy vehicles must get the ownership changed and get registered at the Ministry of Communications, Works, Transport and public utilities at Union, Castries, St. Lucia.

Students who do not have any means of transport and wish to stay in the school’s library until night are provided with transportation back to their homes every night at 10.00 pm. Students should avoid walking home at night even though most apartments are at walking distance from the school. This is for your own safety.

What to Pack

Along with certain books on the list, many students bring along review books such as BRS, NMS, and Pre-test. These may come in handy during the courses, as well as for preparation for the USMLE. Since there is no medical bookstore on the island, it will be more beneficial to you if you bring as many books as possible, in advance. Make sure that you bring your dissecting kit, gloves, and lab coats for Anatomy. (Long sleeve white coat for lab)

Scrubs and white coats are worn during dissection so bring some along. For Physiology, bring a stethoscope, ophthalmoscope and a sphygmomanometer.

Office supplies can cost up to two times more than in the United States. Bring as much stationery as you can. Include supplies that make you comfortable during study.

The school has established a dress code. White coats must be worn at all times. Because of the hot weather, lighter and short sleeve coats are advisable for class. It is recommended that you bring along professional wear. Flip-flops, cut-offs, tank tops, t-shirts, and anything that resembles beachwear will not be permitted. Men will be expected to wear comfortable pants and shirts with a collar or shirt with a tie. Women are asked to refrain from wearing tights, and halters. You should dress in clothing indicative of a professional student.

Bring clothes that can be washed easily and hung to dry. Remember that clothes that hung in the sun may fade. Also, bring semi-formal and formal outfits, a traditional/cultural outfit for the trimester functions.

Any toiletry item that is a favorite should be well stocked in your suitcase at least enough to last one trimester. Items such as toothpaste and deodorant are expensive. Hair dryers, irons, curling irons, and anything electric are more expensive than in the U.S.

If you decide to bring electronics, they should be at least a year old or you will have to pay duty on them. Furthermore, when you come through the airport, your chance of being inspected by customs is less than when you are sent items from the U.S., so try to bring as much as possible and avoid paying duty later. Also, buy a transformer (not a travel transformer) from Radio Shack or an electronic store that converts 110 v items to 220 v or vice versa. If possible, buy items that have a switch on the back for voltage. St. Lucia uses 220 v electricity.

When you arrive in St. Lucia

Location – Vieux-Fort
10 minutes drive from the Medical school.
Mr. Maxwell the school driver will meet you at the airport with a school sign. No fee attached.

Location: 1 hour fifteen minutes drive from Castries to Vieux-Fort.

Mr. Gregory who is not appointed by Spartan but arranged through the school, will pick you up from the airport. A fee of $65US has to be paid to the driver.

Skyway Inn (758) 454-3330 Rate per night – 59US + 18% tax – $184.49 EC
Kimatri Hotel: (758) 454-6328 Rate per night – 50US – $125.00 EC
Juliette’s Lodge (758) 454-5300 Rate per night – 65US – $175.50 EC
Kabran Hotel (758) 454-3331 Rate per night – 55US + 18% tax – $171.99 EC

They all have cable, telephone, restaurant and bar. The hotel that has a wonderful ocean view is Kimatri Hotel. It is located in the town of Vieux Fort and is relatively close to the market and plaza.

Mr. Maxwell the bus driver will pick you up from the hotel the next morning and drive you around to get an apartment. Ask the landlord to give you all costs up front.

About the school

The school has spacious classrooms, a colossal auditorium, an open-air cafeteria and a library. There is a recreational area that includes tennis, basketball and volleyball courts. Indoor games (pool table, ping-pong table, foosball game, chess etc) are placed in a section of the auditorium.

In the library there are computer facilities, a reference section with a reading area, a vast study section and a group discussion section. The open-air cafeteria sits to the back of the school and is illuminated not only by the beaming lights but also by the moon and stars at night.

Here at Spartan you will enjoy the closeness of small classes, and find that this makes the professors much more accessible to you.


A professional demeanor and attire is expected of all students and professors. Neither firearm, nor illegal drugs are permitted in the school. These are considered serious offenses to school and may lead to your dismissal. The school consists of students from many countries with multiple religious and cultural backgrounds. Students are therefore required to have this in mind and should maintain respect for each other regardless of the differences. This is part of your training as future medical doctors.


Weather is usually warm and ranges from the low 70 Fs to the high 80 F year round.

There are two local TV stations and cablevision.

There is a KFC, and Dominoes pizza which serve food similar to that in the U.S.

There are different denominations on this island, and churches are scattered throughout. If you have particular religious needs, be sure to address them with someone on the island.

The currency rate is 2.67 EC dollars to every $1.00 U.S.

You can receive mail at the school using the following address.

Your Name S.H.S.U. P. O. Box 324 Vieux Fort, St. Lucia West Indies

Regular mail to St. Lucia takes about three to four weeks. Upon receipt of a package through regular mail, you will be issued with a slip from the post office. To claim your package you have to take the slip to the customs officer at the post office in Vieux – Fort between the hours of 10.00 am to 11.30 am Monday to Friday. A small fee is charged for duty.

Living in St. Lucia

Overall, you will find your stay in St. Lucia very rewarding, especially if you keep focus on your reasons for being here. There is plenty to do for relaxation and recreation. If you have any questions or problems, the Staff and faculty will be in the position to help. You need to come mentally and physically ready for the challenges that lie ahead. No other school in the United States or Caribbean will be able to beat the good experiences you will encounter here.

Also, it will be an ideal time to visit other islands while in close proximity. Have relatives visit and plan to look forward to vacations. Ask your friends and family to write often, it is always a treat to have something in your mailbox.

It is necessary that all new students attend the orientation program during the first week of school. The school’s administration and the student leadership do the orientation exercise collectively on the first day of school. This orientation gives students all necessary information to enable them settle down quickly.

We look forward to having you as a student of Spartan Health Sciences University, School of Medicine.